Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Storms in Murfreesboro

This morning (6:00 a.m. or earlier) found my kids and myself in the bath tub of the master bedroom while waiting out a storm.  Pretty nerve wracking when you are listening to the news and they are reporting all kinds of damage, but you can't get out of the tub to see anything.

The school is fine, according to a report from Grandpa Dave.  Hopefully all our Black Dragon families have weathered the storm unharmed.  There will probably be a lot of damage from this one in Murfreesboro.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

USAT Referee Seminar

Last weekend, Ms. Beth attended a 9 hour seminar in McDonough, GA to learn how to be a better referee.  You will see her more often during the sparring practice in the training room, practicing her skills!  In order to qualify for the tournaments, you must be a black belt and 16 years of age.  Anyone interested in learning, please contact Ms. Beth.
On March 26, 2011, we attended a tournament in Nashville, TN.  It was an AAU sanctioned tournament and we had at least 15 competitors from Black Dragon, many as their first time.  All the competitors brought home medals and gained invaluable experience that will help them in their martial arts career.  Attached are some photos from the tournament, but because Ms. Beth and Mr. Marty were busy most of the day, the parents have better pics!  Mr. Anthony is missing from all of these photos, but he was there as well and competed!  Congratulations to all our students!

JJ waiting to spar, with a smile!

Camden readying for battle

Alex in the line up

Alex wins a medal!

Welcome to the new Black Dragon Martial Arts blog!